donderdag 27 februari 2014

Prototype 8


Inspired on Benchmark 1 & 2

The leash is already integrated in the harness or collar that the dog wears.
The only problem is: the dog can't reach the leash to give it to his boss.
So we created a flap or loop attached at the end of the leash, that is guided along the dogs' back to a place where he can reach the the loop and hand it over to his boss (or attach it to his weelchair).

The mechanism for pulling out the rope (including a spring) is fixed in the middle op the neck of the dog, so it wouldn't bother him.

We will ask Caroline what the best location is for the loop, so the dog can reach it.



dinsdag 25 februari 2014

Prototype 7


same as prototype 6
but different rope and with a ring in stead of a knot.
We invented this one first, but we soon  noticed that the ring slides too smooth, so maybe if we use these material we will need weak magnets to position the ring



Prototype 6


rope system.
big loop: dog puts head trough it.
end of leash is attached to wheelchair.

to attach his collar + leash: first make sure that the grip at the end of the leash is fixed to the wheelchair. the dog has to walk forward so the knot will shift and make the loop smaller until it fits.

to detach : attach the small loop you see on the first picture to a hook on the wheelchair (f.e.) tha he has to walk backwards to make the loop around his neck bigger to escape.



maandag 24 februari 2014

Prototype 5

Pull to the right make the loop smaller (attach).
Pulle to the left to make the loop bigger (detach).

Work in Progress:
One part has to be fixed when the dog pulls: the part where the ropes cross.
Can be done with a magnet (in connection with a magnet on the wheelchair f.e.)

Prototype 4


Situation sketches
(click on the images to enlarge)


mechanism = ring + knots + rope 


Prototype 3

Prototype 2


It seems to be interesting that the dog can just easily put his head into the collar and tie it up himself.
This is possible with some simple rope nodes. The knot shown below, is a knot that unties itself.


Free loop, can maybe be used to unlock the dog from the leash.

This principle is shown here:


Prototype 1


V- slot attached to collar , leash can be fixed by a little ball that locks the slot.


Following video shows the principle:


zondag 23 februari 2014

Prototype 0


Simple loop: at the end of the leash there is a little loop, that can form the collar of the dog.
When the little loop shoves over the leash, the collar becomes wider or smaller.
This is the basis of some later prototypes.
It is also similar to the commonly used 'choke leash' (Benchmark 3).



Brainstorm 1

We brainstormed about a sort of buckle and looked up the existing
carabiner-types that could be useful.
We decided not to prototype our solution because: 
  • too much precision required for the positioning: not possible with dog
  • too difficult to produce (different materials required: spring, magnets..) 


difficult making: 4

Benchmark 2


The 'Release and Run' is similar to Rollo. The difference is that the collar is made of different, softer material, that probably is more comforable for the dog. Also the leash has to be pulled out more sideways, not perpendicularry to the back of the dog's back. So in this way it is easier to find a way that the dog can reach it himself.

The challenge with this type of collar is again not 'how can the leash be (de)attached to the collar by the dog?', but 'how will the dog put on/off the collar all by himself?'


As mentioned in the explanation, the new element of pulling the leash out sideways, is interessesting for our own collar/leash design.


Release and Run 

Benchmark 1


Rollo is a dog collar with an integrated, retractable leash mechanism.
To aim of this design is to give more freedom to the dog and his owners by
changing the traditional two-part leash/collar into a more efficient one-part system.


This system can be usefull for us because it immediately solves the problem
of locking the leash to the collar. The new challenge is put on the collar. Or if the collar is permanently on the dog, to reach the handle of the leash and offer it to the owner.


Rollo: The leash is integrated in the collar.

woensdag 19 februari 2014

Moodboard connections

We searched for connections that could inspire us to attach the leash to the dog-collar.

Two of the biggest challenges to find a suitable connection will be the fact that the dog can't target very precisely and that the connection can't be too strong, because these dogs always act very carefully.

Dog moves

We did a little brainstorm about the different dog moves we could use and visualized them.

dinsdag 18 februari 2014

consult 18/02

  • detach and attach : 2 different movements for the dog (no confusion):
    f.e.: jump to attach and lay down to detach
  • important: a wide range of prototypes and ideas
      • connections (
      • movement/position/command of dog
      • type of collar (jacket/harness/collar around neck)
  • every small adjustment to a previous prototype = a new prototype: take pictures!
  • design a product that the dog can connect to his collar without any help, so it can be used by both people who have little hand-function or none. 

zaterdag 15 februari 2014

assignment specifications

Information from the kick-off presentation:

  • The result should be ons specific prototype that can be produced as a small series. The technique of 3D printing can be used or we can work with materials people can buy at do-it-self-shops.
  • The basic skills of the trained dogs: tug, fetch, push with nose or leg.
  • Dogs have 220 million odor receptors, humans have 5 million of them. They hear the high tones better than us. (low tones; the same)
  • different context : different prototype

vrijdag 14 februari 2014

Design For Everyone

Welcome visitor,

This is the blog of 3 students in Industrial Design at Ugent.
We are working on a project within disability contexts.
The aim of our project is to design a leash for dogs they can put on
without - or with the minimum of - human help.
We can test our prototypes on trained dogs under under the supervision of
dog trainer Caroline who works for vzw Hachiko.
You can follow our progress on this blog.


Ana María García Peña
Esmee Vanbeselaere
Korneel De Viaene